Mit dem eHorizon kann der Fahrer über das Sichtfeld der Fahrzeugsensoren hinaus „um die Ecke“ sehen.

IVECO vehicles with increased safety and fuel-saving functions thanks to Continental’s eHorizon

Continental and HERE have teamed up to offer holistic eHorizon solution for CVs.

February 8, 2023 -  From 2023 onwards, new IVECO commercial vehicles in the EU will use Continental’s eHorizon platform and data from its partner HERE to support compliance with the EU’s Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) requirements, to improve fuel-saving and to enable comprehensive ADAS functions.

In order to do so, Continental’s eHorizon platform will be using its scalable 4G/5G telematics control unit to aggregate and deliver map content designed for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and supplied by HERE, the leading location data and technology platform. The two technology companies’ collaboration will power all new IVECO heavy-duty, medium, and light-duty vehicles as well as buses produced for the EU from 2023 onwards.

Mit dem eHorizon kann der Fahrer über das Sichtfeld der Fahrzeugsensoren hinaus „um die Ecke“ sehen.

eHorizon aggregates road and speed limit data to enable safe and economic driving

The HERE ADAS Map delivers high-quality information on speed limits for all roads within the European Union, but also road attributes like topology, elevation, curvature, slope and many more. It is constantly matched with the GPS signal provided by Continental’s eHorizon, which aggregates the data and delivers it to the relevant electronic control units. In addition to these ISA functionalities, IVECO vehicles benefit from the eHorizon fuel-saving function. Based on HERE and Continental data, a vehicle’s Cruise Control software adapts its driving style to the road, helping to reduce fuel consumption by between three and five percent. Introduced in 2012, Continental’s eHorizon technology has helped customers to save more than six billion liters of fuel, equaling more than 17 million tons of CO2  saved.


Der ISA-Dienst von Continental unterstützt die korrekte Anzeige der zulässigen Höchstgeschwindigkeit für den Fahrer zu jeder Zeit.