Our best

Software Systems

for your Safety.

We develope and improve Our Software products and services for you...

... to make the road safer.

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From the Road to the Cloud – from Virtual to Real

Software Defined Vehicle

Enable. Develop. Integrate.

Software Solutions

From the “classic” architecture to the software-defined vehicle. With software solutions from Continental, you always get experience, quality and expertise.

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Develop & host “Services” businesses

The future of Safety

Tire Health Services

Driving safety and driving comfort are directly related to the condition of the tires.

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Safe Infrastrucutre Solutions

Learn more about automated parking, vehicle maneuvering and intelligent infrastructure systems

Holistic Motion Control Software

Synergy of tire, sensors and driver assistance control systems

Our Holistic Motion Control Software is the command center to orchestrate all vehicle motion actuators for longitudinal-, lateral-, and vertical control.

Our Innovation Projects

What you can expect from us in the future

Algorithms harvest the Potential of Data

Driving Safety will benefit from utilizing vehicle data in innovative ways: Algorithm-based smart digital solutions interpret data to generate new value.

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Future Brake System

Evolution of Brake Control to Motion System

With digitalization and connectivity, electric drives and AD capabilities, brake systems must therefore fulfill a broad number of additional tasks. To this end, Continental, as a long-standing, globally proven brake system specialist, is developing future brake system technologies: Future Brake System (FBS).

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