Software Defined Vehicle

Cabin Sensing Applications

UX Assets

Driver and cabin monitoring sensing applications for usage in a mobility transportation space, sensing the entire cabin with a minimum sensor setup​


Driver and Cabin Monitoring is   becoming a key safety function for almost every car and is supporting more and more features for the life-on-board.

Our Cabin Sensing assets ensure high recognition rates and reliable testing of algorithms.  Additionally, they safeguard that important steps in the implementation can be checked and adjusted.

All our applications meet the latest regulations (EuroNCAP, GBT, GSR)

Cabin Sensing Applications

  • Driver- and Cabin Monitoring sensing applications for usage in a mobility transportation space, sensing the entire cabin with a minimum sensor setup.


Examples of algorithms

Driver Monitoring

  • Health monitoring
  • (heart rate, impairment detection,…)
  • Attentiveness, Drowsiness
  • Face recognition, Spoofing detection
  • Emotion detection
  • Head tracking, Eye tracking, Gaze tracking
  • Phone detection, Mouth opening
  • Gender, age, ethnicity estimation
  • Face recognition, Spoofing detection
  • Online calibration


Cabin Monitoring

  • Child presence detection
  • Pet detection
  • Seatbelt detection
  • Weight and height estimation
  • Body Pose

CS Cloud based Algo-Performance-Validation

  • Verification and analytics of camera algorithm- aand test environment (virtual and real)

CS Synthetic Data Generator Tool (SynD)

  • ​Synthetic Data Generator Tool (SynD) for Driver   & Cabin Monitoring Camera

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