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Safer Roads Ahead

General Safety Regulation II

GSR II elevates vehicle standards from July 2024

June 26, 2024 - From July 7, 2024, the EU General Safety Regulation II (GSR II) will usher in a new era of vehicle safety. All new vehicles on EU roads must comply with most of the General Safety Regulation II. State-of-the-art safety technologies required by law for new cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles and buses are intended to sustainably increase road safety. Continental is at the forefront of this transformation with technologies and solutions that are driving us toward Vision Zero – the goal of zero traffic accidents.

The requirement for safety systems to help ensure safe driving also goes hand in hand with broad recognition of these as useful technologies among the population. This is shown, for example, by the results of a representative survey that the market and data analytics firm YouGov conducted on behalf of Continental among around 2,000 German citizens aged 18 and over on driving safety in road traffic in spring 2024. Across all age groups, it is evident that the increasing use of modern driver assistance systems increases the feeling of safety behind the wheel. For a large majority (64 percent) of those surveyed, safety is particularly important when driving.

Key technologies defining the future of safety

The GSR II outlines several critical safety features that will be no longer optional add-ons but mandatory in all new vehicles in the European Union following a fixed timetable. Continental's cutting-edge technologies and comprehensive portfolio are essential in meeting these new requirements.

These safety technologies will become mandatory for all new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in the EU:  

  • Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS):  AEBS technology detects potential collisions with cars, pedestrians and pedal cyclists and independently activate the braking system. AEBS solutions use advanced sensors and algorithms to identify hazards, prevent crashes, and enhance road safety.
  • Emergency Lane Keeping System (ELKS):  ELKS keep vehicles within their lane or road boundary by providing corrective steering inputs when necessary. ELKS are based on cameras to monitor lane markings and prevent unintentional departures, minimizing the risk of accidents.
  • Emergency Stop Signal (ESS):  The terms “emergency stop signal” and “emergency stop light” are often used for the same function. It activates high-intensity hazard lights during emergency braking and indicates to other road users behind the vehicle that the vehicle is suddenly slowing down or braking heavily. This system helps to prevent rear-end collisions.
  • Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA):  ISA systems help drivers maintain safe speeds by providing real-time feedback and warning the driver when he/she drives too fast or by an possible automatic speed adjustment. Utilizing map data and traffic sign recognition, ISA ensures vehicles comply with speed limits, and it has the potential to significantly reducing speed-related accidents.
  • Driver Drowsiness and Attention warning (DDAW):  This system monitors driver behavior for signs of fatigue or distraction. The technology alerts drivers to take breaks or refocus, addressing one of the major causes of road accidents.
  • Reversing Detection (REV):  Camera and/or other sensor technology provides a clear view of the area behind the vehicle, alerting drivers to vulnerable road users or obstacles they might not see otherwise and lowers the risk of accidents.
  • Event Data Recorder (EDR):  The EDR is a system designed for the sole purpose of recording and storing critical accident-related data shortly before, during, and immediately after a collision. The EDR aides in accident analysis and contributes to improved vehicle safety designs.
  • Enlarged head impact zone:  Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles have to be designed and constructed to provide for an enlarged head impact protection zone with the aim of enhancing the protection of road users (for instance pedestrians, pedal cyclists and motorcyclists) and mitigating their potential injuries in the event of a collision.
GSR II right turn assist

For buses and heavy commercial vehicles, the mandatory installation of safety systems extends beyond the GSR II requirements for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles:

  • Blind Spot Information System (BSIS):  Uses signals to alert the driver of road users in their blind spot. The system helps prevent collisions with pedestrians and cyclists, which often lead to severe or fatal accidents.
  • Moving Off Information System (MOIS):  Helps to prevent collisions with pedestrians or cyclists in the vehicle's frontal blind spot during drive-off.
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS):  Alerts the driver of tire pressure loss.
  • Cyber Security (CS): Will ensure secure vehicles on the road. The vehicle manufacturers must ensure and certify a Cybersecurity Management System to show the capability to ensure Cybersecurity along the whole life cycle of the product. Furthermore, the regulation provides a comprehensive framework with requirements that must be ensured to get a vehicle type approved.

Driving Towards Vision Zero

The EU’s GSR II is a major step towards Vision Zero. By mandating these advanced safety features, the regulation aims to drastically reduce traffic fatalities. Continental welcomes the measures contained in the regulation to increase road safety and is proud to lead this mission as our innovative technologies not only comply with regulatory demands but also push the boundaries of automotive safety.

Continental stands ready to support vehicle manufacturers of any size in meeting these new standards. In addition to original equipment, Continental also offers retrofit solutions to enhance existing vehicles with Blind Spot Monitoring, Reversing Detection, and Tire Pressure Monitoring systems.

Together, we are driving towards a safer future on the roads. Our dedication to safety will continue to shape the future of automotive innovation, ensuring that Vision Zero becomes a reality.

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